Monday, 1 August 2011

Equalising Issue and Camera Question (?)

I havent been diving much.  Began Wing Tsun classes on a Tuesday and Thursday at the WT Academy in Mosta.  Very nice group and with the training I could not move properly for 2 days, it felt like I had been riding motocross or riding a horse... Im sure the classes will help me focus on diving too.

Recently, I have had issues with my right ear equalising...  The past two dives  I have not been able to equalise my right side ear properly.  

Normally, my ears will make the following sound - ZZZZzzzzzzclick.   But, recently my right side will now make the sound ZZZZZzzzzzzzz for to long and that is it, without that comforting 'click'.  I want to keep going but I do not, it does not feel comfortable.

Above water it feels fine, just seems to be under the water.  During my next dive, I will try equalising above the water before I begin the decent.  You should always be equalising as you descend too, the pressure changes are more dramatic the closer you are to the surface.

The method of equalising is use is Frenzel, very effective and I feel very much in control - much more so than the pinch and blow method.  See the 'equalising safely' page for more details!


May I ask you lovely readers this question, please do comment:

If you was made aware that an extreme sports camera is unable to be repaired for even a basic breakage and probably common breakage (i.e. lens cracking),  



  1. I would still purchase the camera depending on the price - if really cheap, i wouldn't mind buying it. If price is cheap but not very, then i would think over it before getting it...

  2. erm no, don't waste money on such crap...better to get a camera that does what it says on the tin...Extreme Sports in this case

  3. Hiya, couple of comments...
    1. The reason why you can't equalise properly is probably due to a narrow Eustachian tube which might be narrow by nature or could simply be that a cold/infection might be swelling it making it harder to add air to your ear and thus equalising the pressure outside. Hence pain and possibly rupturing of the ear drum. Realistically if you dive without equalising you become subject to frequent ear infections.

    If it continues buy some common nasal spray (vicks sinex) and sniff copious amounts. Then after a few minutes try descending...if you can equalise properly then you know the cause!
    Pro scuba divers claim that the first symptom of a cold appears 4-6 days before the normal symptoms appear.

    Equalising prior to descent does not help simply because at sea level the pressure inside your ears is equal to the pressure outside. You will just feel stuffed ears...

    2. What are you going to use this sports camera for ? Yr bike ? If yes don't bother...too many idiots on the road to waste footage on :)

  4. Thanks Malcolm! I will be watching out for the cold!

    Camera, I was planning on using it to dive with. But seems Oregon Scientific are letting me down...I hope they can help though
